Grading Policy
Grading Policy Guidelines 2023-2024
Grading for Equity, Accuracy, and Social-Emotional Well-being
PACK 91’s grading policy is the common language through which students, teachers, families, school leaders, and support staff communicate about students’ learning throughout the school year. Grades provide feedback to students and families about academic progress, influence students’ motivation and engagement in their learning, and inform instructional and programmatic decisions. As we support students in their academic recovery, it is more important than ever to ensure that students’ grades accurately represent their progress.
Achievement grades will be reported on our 4-point scale indicated below.
Parents can access the report card grades online by logging on to their MyStudent account.
Grade Level | Classroom Teachers and Cluster Teachers |
Kindergarten - 5th
4: Exceeds Standards
3: Meets Standards
2: Approaching Standards
1: Below Standards
NX: Extreme Extenuating Circumstance
NL: New or Recent Admit
- Content Area Grades:
Teachers will assign grades for ELA, Writing, Math, Social Studies, Listening/Speaking and Academic/Personal Behaviors. ENL grades will be entered for groups of students who are Entering or Emerging. Dual-language Foreign language will be an overall grade. Cluster teachers will assign grades for Physical Ed., Science, Technology, Art, Music and Theater. If students have Civics for All as a cluster class, the cluster teacher will collaborate with the classroom teacher to arrive at social studies grades. Grades are based on academic progress and performance while averaging summative assessment data to make up the final grade. Each piece of graded work should correspond to a course learning goal.
- Deadlines, due dates and late work:
Teachers will make adjustments to deadlines for individual students who have experienced a personal loss, illness or other trauma. When teachers offer opportunities to submit late assignments, those will be calculated into the grade. Due dates will be clearly communicated to students and families. Assignment due dates will be aligned to the timelines for entering grades for each marking period.
- Homework and Extra Credit:
Homework will be considered an effort grade and will not be used to calculate academic achievement, unless clearly specified by the teacher as being a student “project”. Extra credit will be considered an effort grade.
- Attendance:
Our goal is for our students to attend school every day. Although attendance will not be factored into grades, we will monitor attendance trends and work towards improvement strategies. The attendance team in the school will meet on a monthly basis to review the data and develop an action plan to support students and families.